Me and my hub going on a date! We're going out to frozen yogurt (something I'm willing to try to eat in public) and to see the new Steve Carrell movie. I'm sure it'll hurt to laugh. I don't care! I even bought Junior Mints to snack on during the movie - so I'm all set! Since I can have my bands off for 1 1/2 hours - that should be perfect!

Today's pic. Swelling is down a bit. Yay! (and yes, I know I'm wearing the same outfit as last week. So shoot me.)

Left profile. So, the swelling is mostly gone on that side, and look - I have a pointy chin again. HOWEVER - it's not as long as before, so I'm still happier with it.

Right profile. Forgot to smile with my teeth.

Ready to see something scary/funny? I mean - really, truly horrifying/comical!?
Wait for it....
Keep waiting....
Scroll down....
Arg! It looks like a Julia Roberts smile when she was 14 years old. How did my mouth get so wide? Anyway - picture that with perfectly straight teeth. There is now a light at the end of the tunnel.

Time for date night!
Today's pic. Swelling is down a bit. Yay! (and yes, I know I'm wearing the same outfit as last week. So shoot me.)
Left profile. So, the swelling is mostly gone on that side, and look - I have a pointy chin again. HOWEVER - it's not as long as before, so I'm still happier with it.
Right profile. Forgot to smile with my teeth.
Ready to see something scary/funny? I mean - really, truly horrifying/comical!?
Wait for it....
Keep waiting....
Scroll down....
Arg! It looks like a Julia Roberts smile when she was 14 years old. How did my mouth get so wide? Anyway - picture that with perfectly straight teeth. There is now a light at the end of the tunnel.
Time for date night!
It's amazing to scroll down through your older posts and see how much you've changed. The spark is back in your eyes :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Tammy - I'm thinking that you don't like (or at least aren't used to) the changes in my face. I know you are a brutally honest person (which I find refreshing) let me have it! What has changed (to you) and what do you think? XOXO!
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think I don't like the changes in your face???? Was it my previous comment? Because all I meant was you look drugged (and I know you were) in your earlier posts and now your eyes are bright and sparkly again.
ReplyDeleteI think the biggest change for me is your chin even though there was NOTHING wrong with it before! I think your face looks longer and skinnier now even though you keep saying it's still swollen. The thing that drives me crazy is when you point out your "fat" under your chin. I have no idea what you're looking at! There's NO fat anywhere on your body, including under your chin :)
And, I think your hair looks very shiny in this post :)
It freaks me out to hear you say my face looks longer now! That's the last thing I want! I hate how long my face has always been - like a horse. I just want to be more proportionate I guess! I really do still have some fatty, swollen area's under my face and on my right cheeks...but the kind of disappear when I smile. :)
ReplyDeleteWell, I have fatty swollen area's under my face and on my right cheeks ALL the time. They don't disappear when I smile. I think you're just too picky about yourself (as am I about myself).
ReplyDeleteI've never thought your face looked long like a horse! Nor do I now. No matter what you look like you will always be beautiful to someone and ugly to another. You will always be too skinny to me but someone else might say you're too fat. I think you're tall but my husband would say you're short. Someone only loves brown eyes. Someone else only loves blue. So love yourself just as you are!
So true. We really are our own worst critic. There has never been a time I've felt truly beautiful. Pretty, yes, cute, sometimes, but mostly too tall, too flat, too whatever. I am really trying to look inside myself during this period - to face my insecurities. I find myself hiding my right cheek in public (the swollen one) only to realize that no one knows what I looked like before all of this - and I'll probably never see them again anyway. The most important thing - to them - is for me to smile. To be polite. To project kindness - and then, honestly, when we meet people like that, do we really care how tall/short/fat/thin/ugly/pretty they are? Nope. We care that they smiled. That they were nice or witty or clever. I have this huge responsibility of being a role model to the Young Women in our church and it's hard enough for them to go through their own high-school insecurities. They don't need a leader going through it too- when I'm twice their age! Thanks as always for your insight Tammy - you're a true friend! :)
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome Tam! And at least you can say you do think you're pretty and cute. Some people can never even say that! And I've also had my fair share of "too". I've been too skinny, too fat, too small chested, too big chested, too pale, too freckly, too blonde, too dishwater, too talkative, too shy. It goes on and on. I have green eyes but I can't tell you how many times people compliment me on my blue eyes. I used to say "thanks but they are green". Now I just say "thanks". Someone will always think you are more beautiful than they are!!!!!