Monday, August 9, 2010

10 lbs later...

So, last night was great! I slept longer then my normal 2 hour increment. I got up at 3:40am, took my meds, filled my ice pack then went back to sleep. My ice pack slipped off sometime very shortly after that - which is why I think I was able to sleep so well - because my face didn't feel FROZEN! So, I slept til 8:30am. MIRACLE! The first thing I noticed was a dull ache in my face - not a problem. Then I noticed my ice pack was off and I got panicky. I looked in the mirror expecting my face to be double the size it was yesterday, but it was relatively the same. Phew! So - feeling pretty good, I made a breakfast smoothie (chocolate peanut butter with Carnation instant breakfast - mmm, started the dishwasher, took a shower (and actually put deodorant on!), put mascara on and decided that I was going to go with my mother to the post office and bank today , before my customers think I have died. The only problem is - after I got ready - I was too exhausted to actually go! After I update my blog and take some more pain killer I hope I'll have the energy for that 30 minute jaunt outside into the real world.

Now onto "official" pictures. I have lost 10 lbs - down to 124.
I've decided that I enjoy fitting back into my designer size 2's and maybe I can keep it off for a while.

Speaking of size 2's- we're all adult's (and girl's) here, right? So no one is going to call me all offended over this picture - right? I love that I can wear my good jeans again - without the bulge over the side! YESSSssss!

Aren't I so colorful and pretty?

All ready to go out. No makeup yet - just mascara. I need to leave some bruising as evidence of why my face is still LOPSIDED! Hate the swelling. Hate it. Can't wait til get my extensions back in either....Trisha - you about ready for me in the next couple weeks?

LOVE my "new" nose and chin - hate my swollen cheeks! I really hope my nose and chin stick around after the swelling goes down. I'm growing quite fond of them.

The more swollen side. I wish my lips would stay big too! Just the overall swelling needs to GO AWAY!

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. I am so jealous of you fitting into your size 2's! I'm watching you get smaller while I'm getting bigger. The world doesn't seem fair right now. haha. Although I really don't want to have my jaw broken.
    I'm glad you're feeling better!
