Tuesday, September 14, 2010

6 weeks post op - the cheeseburger.

6 weeks. I made it. I am allowed to eat whatever I want. The problem is, I still can't. Well, not easily. I can nibble at just about anything (I had a cheeto) but it's very slow going. I can't imagine eating something like a carrot or steak - and couldn't even make it through my steamed green beans tonight. I no longer have to wear rubber bands related to my surgery - although I will begin a new rubber band regiment according to my ortho. How exciting.
This is today. Still crooked. I supposed there is still some swelling in my right cheek - although now I wish my left cheek looked the same, to fill it out evenly..and permanently. I know that won't happen - but I don't know what 6 more months will do to everything either. Time will tell.

Showing my teeth. Still hoping to have the braces off around Christmas.

Right profile.

Left profile.

I was determined to eat a cheeseburger today...but that initially posted some problems...such as my mouth not opening wide enough.

So, I cut it in half (gave that to Jared) and cut the rest into about 16 pieces which I ate just fine. It was very yummy. I am happy to not have to worry about what I can eat anymore.
Tonight I went to the Mikado with some friends and couldn't eat most of what was on my plate. I brought some sushi home for Jared and decided that's what I should have ordered! It was soft, easy to eat and yummy!
I'll update some before/after pictures when there is more of a difference. Until then...keep smiling!


  1. The picture of you smiling with teeth is the first time I've noticed what you mean when you say your face is still "crooked".

    What would it be like to eat a carrot? Would it hurt your teeth? Your jaw? Or just take too long to chew it?

    Baby steps :)

  2. Did your jaw ever even out? My 21 year old daughter had this surgery and is still crooked 8 months later. You look lovely by the way.

    1. It seems to have gotten better which is a little nuts, because you'd think that right after surgery would be the very best it'll ever be! I'm wondering if it has to do with the muscles and ligaments - pulling the right way, finally after decades? I'm not sure, but I've gotten this question a lot recently, and so I just did a post this morning about it. It's here:
      Thanks and Take Care!

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