Friday, July 30, 2010

Before pic from my surgeon's office

Ok, so the ones below this are from my Ortho's office, these are from my surgeon's office. Both are equally embarrassing, but hopefully helpful to someone out there. Can't wait for the AFTER pics!

This is my right side - the side the my jaw is moved to. Notice the deep line and extra poiny chin.

The left side - no deep lines, not so pointy chin. This is what I hope to achieve for both sides of my face.

This is one of the worst pictures ever taken of me. This is the smile I avoid in every single picture, but the doctor told me to "smile as big as you can" so I can show my bite. That's it. Horrible. I know people will say "wow - I've never noticed that before" and that's because I've practiced smiling for the last 18 years so it doesn't look like that!
Ok, I know this is a gross close up showing my yellow, scarred teeth from the first time I had braces for 4 years - 18 years ago. Luckily, that can all be fixed cosmetically when these new braces come off - hopefully in November!

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