Each year I tell myself that I'm going to call up my surgeon and tell him that even though he swears that he has never had a patient who hasn't regained full feeling....he has at least ONE. But I haven't called him. And probably won't. So, here is the update. I still have some mild numbness on the left side of my bottom lip and chin. I always keep a napkin handy when I'm eating soup - especially in public. I also still have the "divots" (see this post:
http://tamarasdoublejawsurgery.blogspot.com/2011/08/happy-anniversary.html) but I just get Radiesse injected into them once a year and it hides it. I'm about due for some more! Here are pictures of the divots mostly gone (for before pics, click on the link above).
This side is more noticeable than the other, and needs another injection.
This side is still smooth without the divot reappearing yet.
And here is my third year post-op before and after pics:
And here is the closer up one so you can see my smile better.
Still not perfect as far as my bite, midlines and symmetry of my face but I have never regretted it! I'm so glad that I can chew normally and have more than 3 teeth touching as was the case before the surgery.
For anyone wondering if the pain, numbness and having your jaw wired shut is worth it, it IS.